A high quality and complete information file

Software development
A complete and up-to-date file with information for managing and maintaining buildings, installations and means of production.
We develop smart software solutions to support our customers with their issues.
In addition, we develop our own Mosaic software.
2D to 3D transition
Integrate your 2D information sources with existing and future 3D information structures.
Unlock your relevant BIM data to the stakeholders within your organisation.
BIM Data Management
Collecting, analyzing and combining IoT data with other available information in the organization.
From this big data, insights can be obtained that were not thought possible until now.
Our core activities
Asset Lifecycle Information Management
Eyeonim is the expert in connecting, and making information flows accessible and transparent within facility business processes. We do this by applying our knowledge, experience and our own unique Mosaic software.
Eyeonim unburdens its clients so that they are in control both now and in the future. We do this through our knowledge and experience combined with a user-friendly, visual and innovative product; Mosaic software.
We challenge our employees to develop both professionally and personally, in a safe environment with a no-blame culture, where we grow together by bringing out the best in each other.

Eyeonim is a partner of Accruent, a global provider of software and services that support organizations in managing the lifecycle of their physical resources. More than 10,000 customers in more than 150 countries rely on Accruent to cut costs, extend asset lifecycles, ensure compliance and achieve their business goals. As a partner, we are also part of a global network that exchanges knowledge and expertise.
Phact is a partner for custom software, integration issues and Internet of Things applications. They offer innovative solutions that make companies more efficient and agile, allowing customers to develop as quickly as the business demands. An example of our collaboration with Phact is the linking of our BIM platform with SureSense, a platform that offers all the building blocks for typical Internet of Things applications, but with options for customisation and customer-specific requirements.
Vector Eyes offers turnkey document management solutions for a wide range of clients active in various sectors, including the oil and gas sector, business service providers and governments. Eyeonim collaborates with Vector Eyes on a number of large projects, including a joint helpdesk. Customers can come here with all their questions and wishes.
Elke investering in nieuwe of verbeterde systemen dient te worden verantwoord. Er moet waarde worden gecreëerd. Wij doen dat op een aantal manieren:
Verhoging van de opbrengsten door verhoogde efficiëntie en productiviteit
Bijdragen aan gezondheid en veiligheid van medewerkers
Garanderen van compliancy
Hiernaast is in een grafische weergave samenvat hoe we dat doen:
We starten veelal met een kennismakingsgesprek waarin we een beeld proberen te krijgen van de organisatie en de huidige problematiek. Wie zijn de betrokkenen en welke processen moeten worden ondersteund? Wat zijn de bedrijfsdoelen, wie is waar voor verantwoordelijk en is er al een visie of strategie op het gebied van het informatiemanagement?
Op basis van de ervaringen die we hebben, de best practices, en de kennis van de sectoren waarin we actief zijn, gaan we kijken waar er waarde kan worden gecreerd. We definieren samen met het projectteam hoe de oplossing eruit komt te zien.
Voor die oplossing gebruiken we als basis onder andere software en producten van onze partners Accruent, Symetri en Phact, die hun sporen al ruimschoots verdiend hebben.

Our team
Our team
Our team


Wim Luijpers

Robin Clabbers